Islamic Concept Of Intermediation – Tawassul
Islam is a comprehensive religion as it covers all aspects of human life. It is a
religion of balance and moderation; it avoids extremes. Other religions
overplay one aspect of human life and underplay the other, and are, therefore,
- For example, in some religions the spiritual component of life is
overstressed and man is raised to the level of a mere abstraction; in other
religions, the physical and the palpable aspect is overemphasized and man is
reduced to the level of an animal or a machine. Their extremistic attitude not
only creates imbalance but also encourages a variety of splits and
contradictions, which not only disillusion their more sensitive followers but
also give rise to a sense of general apathy, even revulsion, towards their highsounding
- Islam acknowledges the relevance of both aspects of human
life, the physical and the spiritual. But it does not dissociate them from each
other; rather it weaves them into a higher form of unity. Islam acknowledges
the pressure of physical compulsions but it does not give them a free ride. On
the other hand, it frames a set of definite rules to channelize them into more
positive outlets; similarly, it acknowledges man’s spiritual yearnings and tries
to cast them into a mould that is compatible with practical realities. Thus, by
blending man’s basic aspirations and needs into a practicable framework of
action and contemplation, it caters most comprehensively to the undeniable
reality of human existence.