Are You Free Or Slave

- Are You Free Or Slave

Are You Free Or Slave

Inspite of the fact that well-over 400 years have passed from
the advent of Islam as perfect religion that addressed the human
being and society yet this has not been well understood by
the people of the world.
Jamiat-ul-Ather publications plan to do its best to explain
Islam to the mankind. The publication of this book is a step in
this direction.
“Are you free or slave?” covers the foremost factor “belief”
and the ground of its formation in men, is the outcome of lectures
that the esteemed author has delivered in the session of
a group of university and theology school students.
Jamiat-ul-Athar hopes to meet this big challenge, we present
this book and plan to translate and publish the books on other
aspects of Islam afterwards.

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